Gulf Coast Radon


The purpose of a screening is to ascertain if a present mold problem exists within a residence that is being considered for purchase/sale.  

The process starts with retrieving an inside air sample(s), and then an outside air sample.  This will tell us how many individually identified mold spores, pollen, dust mites, insect parts, fibers and miscellaneous particulates that are airborne per cubic meter.  The inside sample is then compared to the outside sample, which establishes the normal or baseline.  Mold concentrations inside should be less than, or relatively equal to (very slightly higher) than the outside concentrations.

We also check for signs of water intrusion (upon request) that present a potential mold contamination risk.  A report is provide that identifies the fining, laboratory analysis, descriptions, and pathogenicity of organisms detected in testing.  Should these suspicions arise or visible mold problems become apparent, our clients will be informed immediately.  At that time, a determination can be made as to proceeding with a full survey, or if remediation is needed.  For times where a visible, questionable substance is discovered, we also offer a swab analysis to determine if the substance in question is mold, or not.


(239) 948-3668     GulfCoast​

Mold/ Air Quality Testing



When an elevated level of radon is discovered (4.0 pCi/l or above), it can easily be corrected.  The correction, or process of reducing radon levels, is called mitigation.  The method of mitigation we use in Southwest Florida is called Mechanical Ventilation, Pressurization, and complies with the State of Florida Standard for Mitigation of Radon in existing buildings, Chapter 9b-53, F.A.C., June 1, 1994.

A mitigation system is essentially a ventilation system that brings fresh outside air into the property, and directs it to the return air supply of the air handler.  The air handler then draws the extra air in, where it's conditioned, before it's distributed throughout the living space through the existing ducting.  This method works to reduce the interior radon levels in the following ways:

1) The outside air has an average radon level of 0.4 pCi/l, so bringing this air into a

    property will dilute the radon levels, bringing them down.

2) Bringing fresh air in creates a slight, positive pressure inside (unnoticeable to

    the resident). This positive pressure adds resistance to the gas, and makes it more        difficult to enter the property in the future.

The mitigation system should only be running when the property is occupied, is "closed up", and with the air handler on.  During any extended absences, the mitigation system should be turned off.  During the the fall and winter when temperature and humidity are lower, and the property is "opened up" while occupied, you can turn the mitigation system off.

In single family homes, we can install the system(s) in the attic space, and in condos (without garages) we can install the system above the existing drywall ceiling, or conceal the duct within a new interior drywall soffit.


4061 Bonita Beach Rd. #107, Bonita Springs, FL 34134


We use the most sophisticated radon test monitors available. Offered by Radalink, an accredited, and nationally recognized analytical laboratory located in Atlanta, GA,

these monitors cost around $2,000 each, and are recalled regularly for re-calibration in a laboratory with a controlled radon concentration. Radalink monitors are the most reliable & accurate test monitors available.

They detect any unusual readings of radon, as well temperature and humidity (which can be an indicator of whether or not the home has maintained closed-home conditions during the test duration; this measurement will tell us if any doors or windows had been left open for extended periods during the test duration. The monitors also have tilt and power sensors detect if the monitor has been moved or tampered with.   Hourly barometric pressure readings will even help detect unusual  radon averages due to extreme weather conditions outside.  All data is reviewed for any sign of suspected tampering by Radalink's team of trained professionals.  

The E.P.A. and surgeon general recommend testing all homes, and recommend retesting every 2 years.

Testing and Mitigation

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